1 Session = 45 min., over phone or zoom
Every session is different. A wide range of healing can take place to clear, heal, activate & upgrade you. It may involve:
releasing negative emotions, beliefs, patterns & programs;
inner child healing;
chakra clearing;
releasing cords & attachments
ancestral healing;
clearing contracts & karmic ties;
healing past lives & realities;
activations & upgrades to be more in alignment with your Original Divine Blueprint/Soul-Self.
1 Session = $222 + tax
1 Session = 45 min, over phone or zoom
Michelle facilitates an ASTRAL TRAVEL Journey. Your light body leaves your physical body and is guided and escorted to a high vibrational healing place.
There is a core group of places that Michelle is often guided to go, where high vibrational beings of Love & Light are there to serve, for your highest and greatest good.
If your Soul is not ready, then we will
automatically do an Intuitive Energy Session that your Soul is guiding us to heal, activate or upgrade.
1 Session = $222 + tax
3 or 6 Session Packages
for lower investment & more value. Michelle also provides spiritual coaching (homework, insights, visualizations, & exercises that you may need) to help you create new habits to progress on your own journey.
3 Session Package = $533 + tax (20% off)
no time limit
6 Session Package = $999 + tax (25% off)
no time limit
If you are serious about change and finances are a difficulty, please contact Michelle to see what can be arranged.